Making WIndows 8 PCs Awesome with Gnome

So this was a neat little project, My girlfriend had one of those old Windows 8 all-in-one HP PCs, and wanted to make use out of it. Touch screens are cool, and I thought that this could be really cool. After disabling secure boot so that I could actually boot from my Ventoy drive, I initially had decided to try out Pop_OS! after some recommendations from friends, but after a massive stall just attempting to boot into the installation environment on this ancient, 4gb of DD3 beauty, I decided to just go with good old Arch and GNOME. After that, the only hurdle was actually installing paru (it turns out that compiling Rust packages on a dated machine is absolutely awful, I had to close every other program on the computer for a full hour until it finished) then it was magic awesome, everything that you imagine Gnome with a touchscreen would be if you ever actually WANTED to use a touch screen lol. It's great, I love it, and I have all the basic desktop utilities installed plus a few Gnome plugins to make the experience extra awesome. All-in-all, a great project to kill an afternoon and not only breathe new life into dated tech, but play around in Linux desktop environments in ways that may only come in fleeting dreams.