! Gaming for Chads

So, I recently discovered and I am extremely excited to dive into it! I've always been fascinated with the gamification process of things, and after logging around 1600 hours in Rocksmith 2014 and actually becoming pretty decent at guitar and bass, I have to say that I'm a huge fan. These last couple of years I've been focused on learning Linux, doing everything in the terminal, falling down the Linux ricing rabbithole, learning Networking through Cisco and homelabbing, toying with VMs of all kinds, and learning and pumping out Python code, basically trying to learn it all and finding out what I like and where I fit in the big picture. Honestly, the closest thing to games that I've played lately (besides the occasional SMW or Turtles in Time round with my kid) are HacktheBox and OverTheWire, which are both amazing but that repressed gamer side of me has been craving something else and I think that this is it. As somebody who had 365 days of playtime in World of Warcraft by the end of their senior year, I try to be very careful about what I choose to invest my time into, especially games but this seems right up my alley and might give me a nice reprieve from all the Al Sweigart that I've been cramming into my brain-hole here lately.   EDIT: I just discovered Vim-mode and now I'm in love. This is life, life is good <3