BlackArch Linux: Not Just an OS!

So, I'm a big fan of HacktheBox, particularly HtB Academy. It's a resource that I found relatively early in my Linux/Networking journey and was one of the things that I latched onto to level up my skills. Now, I've used Kali maybe twice, at that was well over a year ago. I've never messed with Parrot at all, BUT as somebody who's ended up defaulting to Arch as their daily driver, this move has been a staple of my last dozen or so Arch installs, and my Artix install as well. BlackArch actually ships as it's own operating system, which is like an Arch-based Kali with all of the tools in the repo available after install, but I've never used it as it's own OS. If we navigate over to and scroll down just a LITTLE bit, that their are super basic instructions for adding the BlackArch on top of regular Arch Linux! You just curl -O the, (check the SHA1 sum if you want), chmod that Bash script, run it as sudo, then do an update with sudo pacman -Syu and you're done! Now if you use paru (or yay, I suppose), you'll notice blackarch packages in your repo! Now a lot of these are also in the AUR, but you can choose what source to download the tools from, and they're exactly the same and function the same way. It's great because it allows me to still have access to all of my random script-kiddie hacker tools and still have a productive work environment at the same time, as it's my config with all of my keybindings and quirks, and if I'm gonna go play hackerman, I definitely wanna be comfortable doing it for maximum pwnage. That's it for today guys, just wanted to share something awesome that maybe some of you haven't heard about, and is a great alternative for those who don't want to use Kali or Parrot. Peace