Year of the Crab

2024 is the Year of the Crab, this is happening. I spent a good chunk of 2023 actually really learning Python finally, as well as exploring various other languages such as JavaScript and C. I tried to get into Rust this point but I had massive skill issues due to not having a lot of experience. Having delved far deeper into the topics of Computer Science and programming, I feel a lot more confident this time around with my endeavor to hit the books and learn some Rust. I never got very far with C so this will be my first real leap into the world of low-level programming and I plan to stick with it and get it down. I feel like Rust is here to stay, with it's implementation both by Microsoft and in the Linux kernel, it's a crucial language to learn in this day and age. Its kind of like ARM-asm, its not going away and its only gonna get bigger, so you might as well start learning it now.