Termux + Vim = Awesome!

Project URL: https://f-droid.org/en/

Hey, you! Yeah, you using that bloated, non-FOSS note taking app on your Android device. What are you even doing??? It's time to ditch that junk and get hip to Termux and Vim. Termux is an app available via the F-droid store, a free and open source app store available at the link above that gives you terminal access to your Android Linux device. It's pretty amazing, to say the least. You can SSH into other devices on your network from your phone, use Python3 as a calculator, show off your phone's Neofetch, or utilize the awesome power of Vim to make lists, record random thoughts, or practice your coding on the go. You can even create your own .vimrc on your phone to help make your Vim layout feel like home.