Arch to Artix (I'm Not Crazy!)

Okay, lets start off with a disclaimer on this one. I'm not concerned about IBM using systemd as a tool to spy on me or anything like that, and I'm definitely not Luke Smith (regardless of the picture!) I am a guy who uses heavily dated equipment for financial reasons though, and lets face it, systemd is pretty bloated (insert UNIX philosophy quip here.) Not in the sense that normal people think of bloated software, more in the Linux nerd sense where Electron is major bloat. I tried out Artix a few months ago on a Proxmox instance, found it fairly enjoyable and decided to try it out on bare metal. I chose dinit and my init system on both installs because of it's speed, and honestly there wasn't too much of a learning curve to it besides getting used to using dinitctl instead of systemctl for services. There were a few minor hiccups, mainly with grabbing AUR packages that relied on systemd support but the World and Galaxy repositories are pretty good about having you covered on that front. I was also able to install and utilize BlackArch keys with no issue whatsoever using the steps supplied to do the same with Arch. Honestly, this was a really fun way to spend a Friday afternoon, and I'm looking forward to living in this environment for a while.